What's on my needles?


Dye #2

Brown Gravy

Originally uploaded by RockyMoreno

What your seeing, skein in the middle, is my 2nd dyed blank, what I'm now referring to as "Brown Gravy". I was trying to get a skein with different gradients of brown, which technically I did, but now how I envisioned it. I did this in Scout's Dye Class held this weekend at Knit One One in Berkeley, CA.

I'm most likely going to dye again, but this time submerse in another neutral tone, maybe a copper or gold? It might just give this something special!


P.S....on from left to right, the 1st skein was dyed by Marisol, and actually looks very similar to Calico by BMF's Socks that Rock! So pretty.


My attempt at a 49ers Colorway

49ers Colorway

Originally uploaded by RockyMoreno

This weekend I learned so much, and so much I can do with that new info. Taking Dye Class from Scout, was a very enriching and fun experience.

What your seeing is my attempt at making a 49er's colorway, in the teams colors (RED/BLACK/GOLD/WHITE). I came close, but I could use more practice. I'm debating on whether or not to remove the white and just make it the 3 colors?

I also still have some blank yarn, all ready for self striping, maybe I'll give my 2nd shot a try?



I learned to DYE!

Wow! What a fun-filled + quality-packed weekend! I signed up a few months back for a Dye class being hosted & trained by the wonderful Scout from Scout's Swag. She is a great teacher, very informative, and very good and really trying to get you to understand the techniques & ways to make dying easier.

This was a 2 day class, Sat/Sun, and it was great fun! I died 2 skeins, one for self striping and one regular skein.

I can't wait to see if Scout continues class, if she'll develop an intermediate course?

Click on the photo to link to my Flickr Dye Class set, and see all the wonderful pictures from class.


Welcome to the new Rockinknit.com!


Originally uploaded by RockyMoreno

Hey everyone!

Check out my new site, I completed redid it! Whew! It was alot of work, literally. I've spent so much time with CSS, PHP, & XHTML coding over the last week. Alot of testing, making sure that the site was compatible with both Firefox & Internet Explorer.

I've added a list of Daily Blogs I read, as well as all the clubs I'm in. I know, I have a club addiction *-)

Plus 2 faves of mines, I added my Flickr badge & my Ravelry project bars, I love these!

Take a look around, I'll be back posting all prior posts made from my older version of my website.

Please visit again, and leave a comment *-)



A Glorious Death

Well, one of the clubs/contests I'm in, Death By Socks, has finally come to an end, for me at least.

My assassin killed me with these beatiful socks! I love the green, perfect for summer. I've worn these a few times to keep my toes warm on chilly summer nights.

A good way to die knitting, or I should say, I GOT KNITTED.
